2022 Highlights
This year, Every Texan continued our critical work in key policy areas to ensure all Texans are healthy, educated, and positioned to socially and economically thrive.
As we look ahead to the 88th Legislative Session, we’re also reflecting on everything we’ve achieved this year — and where our policy areas currently stand. We are bracing for a tough session in 2023, and we will make sure our elected leaders remember all Texans deserve the very best this state has to offer.
Health & Food Justice
No Texan should go hungry. Texans deserve quality health care for our loved ones and ourselves, regardless of race, gender, religion, or where we call home.

It’s time to check out your options for health coverage through HealthCare.Gov! If you or your family needs health insurance for 2023, you can sign up on HealthCare.Gov from November 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023. To have coverage that begins on January 1, you must enroll by December 15.
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Thousands of Texans are waiting for approval for critical programs like SNAP and Medicaid. Families are going without food and health benefits as they wait for their applications to make it through an overwhelmed system. These abnormally long wait times are preventing thousands of families from getting the help they need. It's time for Texas leaders to take action.
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Enrollment in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the best defense against hunger. However, many students don’t know that they qualify for SNAP. Even worse, the application process is complex and confusing, usually leading to low enrollment among this vulnerable population. SNAP is a great option for college students to offset the costs and mental fatigue associated with college, but students need to know about it and understand where to get help.
View the full guide here

Regardless of race, background, gender, or zip code, every Texan deserves access to quality, affordable health coverage. The Inflation Reduction Act makes health coverage and prescription drugs more affordable for many Texans, but more work remains. We will continue to advocate for the #txlege to close the coverage gap and reduce our state’s worst-in-the-nation uninsured rate.
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All Texans deserve equitable access to health care, no matter our race, gender, or place. But the process of finding health care that addresses critical needs can be especially difficult for young adults establishing their independence. Our new tool, a "Guide to Healthy Adulting for Young Texans," shares ways to get help finding health care coverage here in Texas. The guide also lists ways to see a doctor or get food assistance regardless of immigration status.
View the full guide here
Regardless of where we come from, what we look like, or where we live, every Texan deserves access to an accurate, honest, fully-funded public education and affordable higher education opportunities.

Texas continues to use an outdated method to fund our schools. Instead of using enrollment — the number of actual students served — our state determines funding based on attendance. But tying funding to attendance hurts schools that need resources the most. Every student, regardless of where they live or their specific needs, should be accounted for in school funding. With the #txlege reporting record levels of cash on hand, it’s time to put kids first and count every student.
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When school budgets get tight, property-wealthy districts are often quick to blame the primary equity tool of the school finance system: recapture. However, recapture, also known as “Robin Hood,” is not the villain in this story. In order to increase school funding so that all districts are able to support high-quality education for all students, Texans must demand a finance system that meets the true costs of providing a solid public education.
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This joint report by Every Texan and the Texas American Federation of Teachers (Texas AFT) shows how Texas schools are underfunded and facing devastating staffing shortages. Without significant statewide investment in public school funding, Texas is facing a retention crisis for certified teachers and qualified school staff. Texas students are at threat of losing crucial care and support.
Read the full report
Worker Power
This year, Every Texan expanded our research, policy, and advocacy work to include a specific focus on building worker power. Everyone — no matter our race, gender, or where we come from — deserves dignity, humanity, and the opportunity to pursue our dreams. Worker power balances our economy and ensures working Texans share in the prosperity their labor creates.

District, municipal, and city governments in Texas can enforce prevailing wages on their public works projects and simultaneously support more broadly shared prosperity for our communities. Together, we can build a more just and equitable Texas by ensuring the workers building our schools, roads, and public buildings are fairly compensated, safe, and able to contribute to our communities.
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Our children are stuffed in classrooms with underpaid, undervalued teachers striving to do their best with insufficient funding and support from our state government. This means our children aren’t receiving the education they deserve. Only together can we support our children and demand that wealthy corporations pay what they owe our kids, teachers, and valuable public schools.
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Austin city employees can't support their families on $15/hr. Data supports that $22/hour is just enough to get by in Austin. With current staff shortages, the city is struggling to deliver vital public services. City employees deserve a living wage and all Austinites deserve access to city services.
Read the fact sheet

No matter our race, gender, or place, Texans deserve dignified jobs that support thriving individuals and families. Worker power balances our economy and ensures working Texans share in the prosperity their labor creates.
Read the full blog
Fair Taxation
A state budget and tax system that is equitable, adequate, and responsive to its growing population and needs supports a more prosperous future for all Texans, regardless of race, place, or background.

Wherever we live in Texas, local property taxes support the essential public services that we all need, whether we are Black, brown, or white. Property taxes fund our schools, police departments, and parks. But our property tax system is badly in need of fundamental reforms that would allow local governments to grant progressive homestead exemptions and improve the accuracy and efficiency of property tax appraisals and appeals.
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Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar projects a General Revenue (GR) balance of $27 billion when the 2022-2023 state budget cycle ends in August 2023. Many media outlets have reported the $27 billion as a “surplus” rather than a “balance.” But the terms are interchangeable only if you believe that Texas’ public PreK-12 schools and colleges, medical and mental health care, and other services get anywhere near the state support they need and that the state budget fully covers inflation every two years. Neither is true.
Read the full blog
Research & Data
Every Texan explores data for potential solutions to everyday problems — and we make that data accessible to everyone, from policymakers to concerned Texans.

This Indigenous Peoples Day, we celebrated and honored the past, present, and future contributions and lives of Indigenous People in Texas. Our blog and fact sheet breaks down the latest Census data on Texans who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native and how better data collection can help AI/AN Texans secure better resources.
Read the blog and full report

Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the cultures, histories, and contributions of Americans who trace their roots to Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Newly released American Community Survey data for 2021 estimates that in Texas, Hispanics and Latinos make up 40% of the state’s population.
Read the blog and full report

Texas women are strong, resilient, and hard-working. Our 2022 joint study with the Texas Women's Foundation takes a comprehensive look at four pillars that are fundamental to the financial security of a woman and her family (education, child care, health insurance, and stable housing) and how these pillars were impacted by the pandemic.
Read the blog and full report

According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2022 Kids Count Data Book, Texas ranks 45th in the nation for overall child well-being. New this year, the report also examined youth mental health across states. Data from the report confirm that Texas leaders must take action to ensure all Texas children are able to live healthy, happy lives.
Read the blog and full report
Get ready for session with Every Texan!
During the 88th Legislative Session, we're focusing on policies that enable Texans of all backgrounds to thrive.
Our 2023 legislative agenda focuses on six key policy areas where some of the largest disparities for Texans exist: Health Care, Food Security, Education, Worker Power and Supporting Families, Fair Taxation, and Voting Rights. Addressing these policy areas will benefit all Texans, regardless of race, class, gender, immigration status, or any other factor, and create a stronger community, workforce, and economy in Texas.
Every Texan's Strategic Plan, 2022-2027
Every Texan is part of an ecosystem of advocacy organizations across Texas with a shared vision of a state where every Texan can thrive. We collaborate with our partners to build power and leadership alongside communities of color and people with low incomes. Regardless of race, gender, background, or what zip code is home, we believe all Texans have the power of voice and action to improve our daily lives and conditions.