About Us
Social Justice Requires Public Policy.
We envision a Texas where people of all backgrounds can fulfill their potential and contribute to our community.
We’re Texans, and we take great pride in that. Texas boasts a rich, unique mix of resources and an equally unique ecosystem. Our population is growing and diversifying all the time. We have everything we need to be the very best state to live in. Almost.
Unfortunately, too many Texans can’t access the conditions they need to thrive — good health care, education, and jobs. One of the most effective ways to make sure every Texan has access to these conditions is to strengthen public policy. That’s where we focus our work: We strengthen public policy to expand opportunity and equity for every Texan.
Our Pillars
Every Texan offers knowledge, solutions, and tools to help you more easily understand, discuss, and make decisions about public policy.

Every Texan's Strategic Plan, 2022-2027
Every Texan is part of an ecosystem of advocacy organizations across Texas with a shared vision of a state where every Texan can thrive. We collaborate with our partners to build power and leadership alongside communities of color and people with low incomes. Regardless of race, gender, background, or what zip code is home, we believe all Texans have the power of voice and action to improve our daily lives and conditions.
Our Union
Every Texan is a proudly unionized workplace! Every Texan and its staff union, Every Texan United, ratified their first contract in 2021. Every Texan and the bargaining unit began the 15-month negotiation process in June 2020 after voluntarily recognizing the staff union in February of that year.
As a values-driven, equity-committed organization, Every Texan is committed to collaborative and inclusive leadership practices. In Texas, less than 5% of all workers are unionized, largely due to legislation that favors employers and limits union activity. These anti-union and anti-worker policies are precisely what the Every Texan team fights to repeal or fix.

Our Commitment to Racial Equity
Texas will achieve Every Texan’s vision of racial equity when an individual or group’s race or ethnicity no longer predict their well-being, opportunities, and outcomes.
We Believe In
Wins for Texans
- Prevented budget cuts to Medicaid and CHIP, prevented large drops in health care coverage, and reduced the number of uninsured Texans
- Organized a coordinated statewide effort to ensure a full and accurate 2020 Census, establishing ourselves as the leading voice of coverage of Texas in the Census
- Guaranteed paid sick days for Austin workers and squashed the sales tax swap
- Promoted racial and ethnic equity and exposed barriers to economic opportunity
- Worked closely with leaders from both parties to boost financial support for Texas students as one of the handful of Texas organizations with a deep understand of public school funding formulas