Food Security
1.8 million Texas children live in households where access to food is limited.
Source: Feeding America
In a state as great as Texas, no one should have to worry about where they will find their next meal. Yet over 4 million Texans experience food insecurity, or a difficulty meeting basic food needs. When families struggle to make ends meet – juggling finances to cover rent, utilities, and transportation – too often little is left for food. Low-income families are forced to make difficult choices as scarce resources are stretched, increasing the chance that they go hungry.

Nearly 15% of Texas households do not have consistent access to enough nutritious food to support a healthy life.
Source: Feeding America
Food insecurity affects children, adults and seniors, and families of all races and ethnicities. However, certain populations are at higher risk for hunger. Why does food insecurity affect 38 percent of Black children, a rate more than twice as high as White children? Read on to discover how our state can work to close these gaps.
Food Assistance
School Meals
Related Resources

The Farm Bill Feeds Texans

Celebrating 60 Years of Food Assistance

Your Support Makes a Difference
We believe Texas can be the best state in the United States, and our public policy work is an indispensable part of getting there. Your support improves equity in health care, food security, education, and financial stability.