State of Working Texans 2024

State of Working Texans 2024

Texas Is Powered by Working Families

In Texas, there is more that unites us than divides us. Every Texan, regardless of background, appearance, or location, deserves to prosper in the fruits created by our labor. The more working Texas families that achieve middle-class prosperity, the more likely we will thrive together as a state. 

The State of Working Texans (SOWT) series provides fact-based research and policy analysis to underscore that people are our state’s greatest resource. SOWT highlights how and where Texas’ most powerful elected officials keep us from the shared economic prosperity that our labor creates. This series examines Texas’ growing disparities despite the state’s economic prosperity and, in turn, propose policy solutions aimed at equitable distribution of the state’s economic resources for a broader, multiracial middle class. Explore our union 101 resource for more on how to distribute prosperity among all workers.

The people-centered policy solutions presented in this series support the initiatives of The People’s Budget, a proactive roadmap for a state budget that invests in Texans of all backgrounds. This series is a vital data narrative tool for communities across Texas to inform and mobilize working families across Texas to achieve the economy we all deserve.

"The great movements that achieve justice and also make the world a better place to live in are movements that are based upon economic facts and economic problems and economic conditions"

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