To view a PDF version of this letter, click here. Contact your representative and ask them to vote NO on SB 14 here.
In response to calls from their community, leaders elected by local voters have passed laws to improve the economic security and health of residents. These local leaders are directly responding to the needs of their neighbors.
What works for residents of Tyler may not work for residents of El Paso.
Polling shows that 87% of Texas voters believe their local elected officials are better connected to their communities and should be allowed to pass policies that reflect their community’s needs and values.
SB 14 blocks communities from passing local protections like:
- Water breaks or OSHA-10 safety training for construction workers
- Expansion of non-discrimination protections
- Second chance hiring or “Ban the Box” protections
- Salary history discrimination
- Fair scheduling
- Sick leave or parental leave
- Vacation pay, health insurance, retirement or other employment benefits for city and county employees
- Living wages and hazard pay for city and county employees
- Safety protections during an emergency to ensure public health and safety for first responders and frontline workers.
The following organizations ask you to join in opposing SB 14: