The Trump Administration’s discriminatory public charge regulations are now in effect across the nation and at consular offices abroad. This means that on February 24, 2020, the regulations from the Department of Homeland Security which change the definition of what it means to be a “public charge” took effect nationwide, while the litigation proceeds in the lower courts.
The biggest threat to families surrounding this new rule is fear and misinformation. The best way to fight the administration’s fear tactics is with facts. Please share these new resources on the impact of these changes for non-citizen Texans and their families:
- Updated presentation on public charge and a recording of a recent webinar on public charge for “assisters” who help people with health care access.
- Fact sheets for Texas outreach and enrollment assisters – English and Spanish
- Fact sheets from Protecting Immigrant Families:
Please share these resources far and wide. It’s important to get these top-line messages to families across Texas:
It’s SAFE for kids and pregnant women to stay in Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and CHIP Perinatal. Read more about keeping children enrolled in health and nutrition assistance programs.
Green card applicants: Health and nutrition benefits and services that your children receive will NOT count against you. We recommend keeping your children enrolled in the benefits for which they are eligible. Learn more about public charge and your family.
Green card holders: the new public charge regulation
– DOESN’T apply to you unless you leave the United States for more than 6 months.
– Is NOT applied to you when you renew your green card; and
– Is NOT applied to you when you apply to become a U.S. citizen.
Public charge does not apply to
U or T visa applicants/holders
Special Immigrant Juveniles (children in foster care) DACA renewal applicants
Applicants for Temporary Protected Status
Learn more if you already have or applying for any of these immigration statuses.
Know your rights! If you’re unsure whether the new public charge rule applies to you, consult a Board of Immigration Appeals-accredited representative at an Immigration Legal Services organization first. They are low-cost, sliding-scale, or free—or you can consult with an immigration attorney about your own situation.
– Statewide Immigration Legal Services Providers
– Houston-area Immigration Legal Services and walk-in clinics: 1-833-HOU-IMMI; Immigration Legal Services Referrals / Consultas Legales Semanales Disponibles Con Nuestros Asociados (last updated September 12, 2018)
Help in more languages is available at 1-833-HOU-IMMI