Equity & Inequality
Every Texan’s commitment to equity, with a focus on race and class, is part of the legacy and values handed down from our founders, The Benedictine Sisters of Boerne, Texas.
At Every Texan, equity means that policies, procedures, programs, and the distribution of resources account for the varied histories, challenges, and needs of the people we serve. Equity differs from equality, which treats everyone the same despite disparate life outcomes. In Texas, where the population is majority people of color, racial disparities remain deep and pervasive across indicators. Racial equity is achieved when race does not determine or predict a person’s life outcomes.
Opportunities to advance equity exist both internally across Every Texan’s operations and programming and externally in the public policy the organization seeks to influence.
Read our full Approach to Advancing Equity as part of our Strategic Plan here.

Low-Income Texans
People of Color & Race Equity
Women & Gender Equality
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Your Support Makes a Difference
We believe Texas can be the best state in the United States, and our public policy work is an indispensable part of getting there. Your support improves equity in health care, food security, education, and financial stability.