Where the Money Comes From
For Texans to thrive, we need a state government committed to investing in public and higher education, good jobs, and affordable health care. As a founding member of the State Priorities Partnership, Every Texan has analysts with decades of experience advocating for policy and revenue solutions to make those investments possible. Yet the current political climate champions a model of economic growth and a conservative ideology based on limited government, low spending and self-sufficiency that has failed to improve the well-being of the majority of families. We believe that now is the time for Texas to have a proactive revenue and budget agenda that defines people as the force behind statewide prosperity.
Every Texan seeks to:
- Strengthen oversight and transparency of economic development tax incentives to ensure public accountability of resources.
- Improve the fairness of the property appraisal process by requiring assessment of all property at full market value so that all Texans pay their fair share.
- Prevent new state revenue cuts or diversions that undermine access to a quality education, health care, basic services and anti-poverty programs.
Reject tighter, arbitrary state or local spending or revenue caps that weaken the ability of elected officials to meet the needs of their constituents and communities.

State Taxes
Property Taxes
Tax Fairness
Tax Breaks & Incentives
Economic Stabilization Fund
Related Resources

Testimony to Senate Local Government Committee on SB 4

First Look: 2026-27 Budget Bills

Catch Up Quick: 2026-27 Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE)

State of Working Texans 2024

Testimony to Senate Local Government Committee on Property Tax Cuts

Support Our Public Schools! Vote to Approve Your Local VATRE

Testimony to Senate Finance Committee on Property Tax Cuts (Video)

Texas Is the Tale of Two Economies
Your Support Makes a Difference
We believe Texas can be the best state in the United States, and our public policy work is an indispensable part of getting there. Your support improves equity in health care, food security, education, and financial stability.