Dick Lavine
Dick Lavine, Senior Fiscal Analyst

Dick Lavine focuses on building state and local revenue systems that meet Texans’ needs. Before coming to Every Texan in 1994, he was a Senior Researcher at the House Research Organization of the Texas House of Representatives for ten years. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a Trustee of the City of Austin Employees Retirement System. He served for many years as a member and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Travis Central Appraisal District and was recently returned to the Board by the voters of Travis County to fill a newly created elective position. He is also a member of the Executive Board of AFSCME Texas Retirees, the statewide union local of retired public employees, and the Board of Directors of Progress Texas Institute, a progressive media organization. The Equity Center named him as a Champion for Equity for his work to reform our tax system to ensure it can adequately support public education and other public services. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, magna cum laude, from Harvard College in 1969, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence, cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania in 1975.

Dick's Recent Work

HB 59 Testimony — Ways and Means

The House Ways & Means Committee will soon hear a very dangerous proposal – HB 59 by Rep. Andrew Murr – which would almost completely eliminate the school property tax that is

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Who Does NOT Pay Texas Taxes?

A fair and adequate tax system would allow the state to invest in the building blocks of thriving communities — schools, health care, public safety, roads, and other public services.

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Who Pays Texas Taxes?

Download this report as a PDF For the state to invest in the building blocks of thriving communities — schools, health care, public safety, roads, parks, and other public services

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How to Make Appraisals More Equitable

Public confidence in our property tax system depends on the perception that all taxpayers are treated fairly, and is the key to providing vital financial support for our schools and

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Policy Areas
  • State & Local Revenue
  • Economic Incentives
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