Our Testimony at the Texas Legislature

Social Justice Requires Public Policy.

We envision a Texas where people of all backgrounds can fulfill their potential and contribute to our community.

Unfortunately, too many Texans can’t access the conditions they need to thrive — good health care, education, and jobs.

One of the most effective ways to make sure every Texan has access to these conditions is to strengthen public policy. And that’s where we focus our work: We strengthen public policy to expand opportunity and equity for every Texan.

Testimony on the Use of Fiscal Recovery Funds

The American Rescue Plan Act’s State Fiscal Recovery funds are intended to respond to COVID-19 health needs or the pandemic’s negative economic impacts, provide premium pay and other support for

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Comments on HB 145

As an organization working to improve all Texans’ access to health care, education, and financial security, Every Texan is testifying on House Bill 145, rather than in support of it.

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Testimony Opposing SB 1

Every Texan opposes SB 1, because it puts tax cuts before kids by accelerating the costly elimination of the Tier I M&O property tax rate that was put in place

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Testimony Opposing SB 91

Every Texan opposes SB 91, which accelerates the elimination of the Tier I M&O and harms the state’s ability to fully support public education when our schools are facing more

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Testimony Opposing SB 89

Every Texan opposes SB 89 because — as the House Research Organization summarized in its analysis of the House version — it would use “state funds to channel economic migrants

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Joint Testimony Opposing SB 3 & HB 28 with TLEEC

The Texas Legislative Education Equity Coalition (TLEEC) and Every Texan oppose SB 3, HB 28, and similar bills that censor classroom curriculum and conversations on important topics, including race, racism, sexism,

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Testimony Supporting SB 7

Every Texan supports SB 7 and the “13th check” it would provide hundreds of thousands of retired Texas educators. More than 410,000 Texans have already contributed to our communities as

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Key Achievements

  • Prevented budget cuts to Medicaid and CHIP, prevented large drops in health care coverage, and reduced the number of uninsured Texans
  • Organized a coordinated statewide effort to ensure a full and accurate 2020 Census, establishing ourselves as the leading voice of coverage of Texas in the Census​
  • Guaranteed paid sick days for Austin workers and squashed the sales tax swap ​
  • Promoted racial and ethnic equity and exposed barriers to economic opportunity​
  • Worked closely with leaders from both parties to boost financial support for Texas students as one of the handful of Texas organizations with a deep understand of public school funding formulas​
point of order

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