Policy Area: Health Care

Comments on HB 484

Every Texan is submitting these comments detailing the provisions of HB 484 and pilot concept which we would hope to see in a bill we could support, and also detailing

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Testimony Opposing HB 1886

Every Texan opposes HB 1886 by Noble as it misconstrues the fundamental purposes of the programs which it directs the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) to study.  These programs provide support

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Comments Opposing HB 1369

Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities) respectfully submits these comments in opposition to HB 1369. The bill builds on Texas’ current “safe harbor” for health care sharing ministries

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Testimony Supporting HB 290

House and Human Services Committee Staff: Every Texan strongly supports the Committee Substitute for HB 290 by Cortez, coauthored by Rose. This compromise substitute will return Texas children’s Medicaid to

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Comments on SB 874

Every Texan is neutral on Senate Bill 874. The bill extends the temporary authority in Texas Insurance Code (TIC) Ch. 1510 for another 2-years, similar to bills passed in the

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Comments Supporting HB 2761

Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities) supports HB 2761 because it will help consumers to make an informed choice when they pick health coverage. Some consumers want comprehensive

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