Our Testimony at the Texas Legislature

Social Justice Requires Public Policy.

We envision a Texas where people of all backgrounds can fulfill their potential and contribute to our community.

Unfortunately, too many Texans can’t access the conditions they need to thrive — good health care, education, and jobs.

One of the most effective ways to make sure every Texan has access to these conditions is to strengthen public policy. And that’s where we focus our work: We strengthen public policy to expand opportunity and equity for every Texan.

Comments Opposing HB 1369

Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities) respectfully submits these comments in opposition to HB 1369. The bill builds on Texas’ current “safe harbor” for health care sharing ministries

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Testimony Supporting HB 290

House and Human Services Committee Staff: Every Texan strongly supports the Committee Substitute for HB 290 by Cortez, coauthored by Rose. This compromise substitute will return Texas children’s Medicaid to

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Testimony Supporting SB 165

Every Texan supports SB 165, a bill that prevents students from being penalized for dropping additional courses during a disaster, because it provides Texas students the necessary flexibility to respond

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Comments on SB 874

Every Texan is neutral on Senate Bill 874. The bill extends the temporary authority in Texas Insurance Code (TIC) Ch. 1510 for another 2-years, similar to bills passed in the

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Testimony Supporting HB 133

Every Texan strongly supports HB 133 by Rose as it directs the Health and Human Services Commission to provide women in Pregnant Women’s Medicaid comprehensive Medicaid coverage for 12 months

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Comments Supporting HB 2761

Every Texan (formerly Center for Public Policy Priorities) supports HB 2761 because it will help consumers to make an informed choice when they pick health coverage. Some consumers want comprehensive

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Testimony Against HB 1516

Every Texan opposes HB 1516 by Parker as it singles out the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program for expensive third-party audits that will not improve a program that

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Key Achievements

  • Prevented budget cuts to Medicaid and CHIP, prevented large drops in health care coverage, and reduced the number of uninsured Texans
  • Organized a coordinated statewide effort to ensure a full and accurate 2020 Census, establishing ourselves as the leading voice of coverage of Texas in the Census​
  • Guaranteed paid sick days for Austin workers and squashed the sales tax swap ​
  • Promoted racial and ethnic equity and exposed barriers to economic opportunity​
  • Worked closely with leaders from both parties to boost financial support for Texas students as one of the handful of Texas organizations with a deep understand of public school funding formulas​
point of order

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