Our Testimony at the Texas Legislature

Social Justice Requires Public Policy.

We envision a Texas where people of all backgrounds can fulfill their potential and contribute to our community.

Unfortunately, too many Texans can’t access the conditions they need to thrive — good health care, education, and jobs.

One of the most effective ways to make sure every Texan has access to these conditions is to strengthen public policy. And that’s where we focus our work: We strengthen public policy to expand opportunity and equity for every Texan.

Testimony Supporting SB 1059

Every Texan Supports SB 1059 by Paxton, which directs the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to streamline the renewal process for youth in the Former Foster Care Children (FFCC)

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Comments on HB 2176

Every Texan is taking no position on HB 2176, but is providing the attached context. The bill would extend temporary authority for the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) to take

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Testimony Supporting HB 2118

Every Texan supports HB 2118. It will both cut down on the misleading information common in phone-sales of alternative health coverage and ensure TDI can take action against bad actors

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Testimony Supporting HB 2641

Every Texan supports HB 2641 by Rodriguez as it will reduce hunger in Texas by updating the state’s outdated vehicle asset limits for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to

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Testimony Supporting HB 1449

Every Texan supports HB 1449 by Romero, Jr. as it aligns the cash and vehicle asset limits for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

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Testimony Supporting HB 1230

Every Texan supports HB 1230 by Ortega as it will reduce hunger in Texas by updating the state’s outdated vehicle asset limits for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to

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Texas PACE Supports HB 2126

Texas PACE consists of organizations committed to equity in college affordability, access, student supports and completion. We support increased access to necessary health and wellness resources for students to pursue

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Testimony Opposing HB 3425

Every Texan opposes HB 3425 by Slawson as it would further stigmatize the poorest Texans by imposing an unnecessary drug test on parents and grandparents applying for Temporary Assistance for

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Testimony Supporting HB 116

Every Texan supports HB 116 by Minjarez as it removes barriers to supplemental financial assistance for vulnerable children being raised by kin who are struggling to support them. Read our

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Testimony Supporting HB 1353

Every Texan supports HB 1353 by Ortega as it will reduce child hunger in Texas by ending the state’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) full family sanction policy that punishes

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Testimony Supporting HB 701

Every Texan supports HB 701 by Walle as it removes barriers to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for vulnerable senior citizens and the disabled which will reduce Texas’ high

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Testimony Supporting HB 945

Every Texan supports HB 945 by Romero, Jr. as it will reduce child hunger in Texas by extending Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) certification for families with children to 12

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Key Achievements

  • Prevented budget cuts to Medicaid and CHIP, prevented large drops in health care coverage, and reduced the number of uninsured Texans
  • Organized a coordinated statewide effort to ensure a full and accurate 2020 Census, establishing ourselves as the leading voice of coverage of Texas in the Census​
  • Guaranteed paid sick days for Austin workers and squashed the sales tax swap ​
  • Promoted racial and ethnic equity and exposed barriers to economic opportunity​
  • Worked closely with leaders from both parties to boost financial support for Texas students as one of the handful of Texas organizations with a deep understand of public school funding formulas​
point of order

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