Testimony Opposing SB 1254
Every Texan opposes SB 1254 for equity, safety, and accountability concerns. Senate Bill 1254 proposes an interstate compact for the purpose of border enforcement of federal immigration laws on the
We envision a Texas where people of all backgrounds can fulfill their potential and contribute to our community.
Unfortunately, too many Texans can’t access the conditions they need to thrive — good health care, education, and jobs.
One of the most effective ways to make sure every Texan has access to these conditions is to strengthen public policy. And that’s where we focus our work: We strengthen public policy to expand opportunity and equity for every Texan.
Every Texan opposes SB 1254 for equity, safety, and accountability concerns. Senate Bill 1254 proposes an interstate compact for the purpose of border enforcement of federal immigration laws on the
This testimony is an updated version of our previous SB 14 testimony. Local officials continue to work to ensure the hard working Texans most likely to be impacted by the
Eight Texas patient and consumer advocacy organizations urge Texas lawmakers avoid creating unregulated health coverage that can discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. Creating “insurance-like” coverage that does not have
Every Texan supports CSHB 4115 by Representative Oliverson, which extends Texas’ surprise medical billing protections to ground ambulances. Texans have benefited for more than a year from the landmark surprise
Every Texan and Texas PACE* oppose Senate Bill 1091. This bill seeks to drastically limit the Top Ten Percent program, which is a critical driver of equity in college access
Every Texan supports HB 1914 by Blanco as it will reduce hunger in Texas by updating the state’s outdated vehicle asset limits for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to
Every Texan opposes SB 28. Texas voters already have too little oversight over of the placement and expansion of charter schools. This bill limits the role the elected SBOE has
Every Texan will submit comments on SB 1138 by Hughes. There is concern that the bill misconstrues the fundamental purposes of the programs which it directs the Legislative Budget Board
Every Texan Opposes SB 1341 by Springer. Section 3 of the bill would remove Texas HHSC’s ability to utilize this flexibility of accepting the determination of eligibility for Medicaid and/or
Every Texan Supports SB 1059 by Paxton, which directs the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to streamline the renewal process for youth in the Former Foster Care Children (FFCC)
Every Texan is taking no position on HB 2176, but is providing the attached context. The bill would extend temporary authority for the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) to take
Every Texan supports HB 2118. It will both cut down on the misleading information common in phone-sales of alternative health coverage and ensure TDI can take action against bad actors