Policy Area: Where the Money Comes From


Who Does NOT Pay Texas Taxes?

A fair and adequate tax system would allow the state to invest in the building blocks of thriving communities — schools, health care, public safety, roads, and other public services.

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Who Pays Texas Taxes?

Download this report as a PDF For the state to invest in the building blocks of thriving communities — schools, health care, public safety, roads, parks, and other public services

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Covid-19 and the Texas State Budget

COVID-19 & Our State Budget

Making sure every Texan has what they need to come through the COVID-19-induced health and economic crisis safely must be the top priority of state lawmakers as they make budget

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How to Make Appraisals More Equitable

Public confidence in our property tax system depends on the perception that all taxpayers are treated fairly, and is the key to providing vital financial support for our schools and

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