Policy Area: Texas Legislature


2013 Lege–Universal School Breakfast

Last school year Texas’ school cafeterias served an astonishing 300 million breakfasts.  But remarkably, that only covered 60 percent of the students who received free or reduced price lunches during

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OPED–Visions for Lone Star Lawmakers

This weekend, Eva’s piece ran in the Austin American-Statesman’s Legislative Preview series: We believe in Texas. We believe in the people of Texas. We know it’s hard for families, especially

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2013 Lege–Health Insurance Reform

In 2014, the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. ObamaCare) will usher in sweeping and welcome changes to the Texas insurance market.  No, I’m not talking about health insurance exchanges, which get

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2013 Lege–Payday & Auto Title Lending

Two years ago, the 2011 Texas Legislature enacted two measures to rein in the Wild West of payday and auto title lending by requiring licensing, standard disclosures, and data collection

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2013 Lege–Public Education

On the face of it, “school choice” sounds like an intriguing concept. But, a key component of the school choice proposal presented by Senate leadership, which purports to allow for

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2013 Lege–Medicaid & CHIP

There’s plenty happening with Medicaid and CHIP this session. The first big hurdle in 2013 will be ensuring that the “Medicaid IOU”–$3.7 billion at HHSC, and another $1 billion at

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How We Work for a Better Texas

Health Care Protecting and improving Texas Medicaid and CHIP will help ensure access to a decent standard of health care for millions of low-income Texas seniors, children, and families who

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The Budget Puzzle–Part Six

We’ve looked at what’s needed in 2014-15 to cover student or client growth and cost increases in some key state services – public and higher education, health and human services,

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