Policy Area: Medicaid

Comments on HB 484

Every Texan is submitting these comments detailing the provisions of HB 484 and pilot concept which we would hope to see in a bill we could support, and also detailing

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Testimony Supporting HB 290

House and Human Services Committee Staff: Every Texan strongly supports the Committee Substitute for HB 290 by Cortez, coauthored by Rose. This compromise substitute will return Texas children’s Medicaid to

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House Appropriations Article for 2022-2023

To: Subcommittee Chair Giovanni Capriglione and members of the Subcommittee  Date: March 1, 2021  Re: Article II appropriations for 2022-2023  From: Every Texan (formerly CPPP), Anne Dunkelberg, Associate Director  Every

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SB 1 Article II Appropriations for 2022-2023

To: Honorable Chair Jane Nelson and members of the Senate Finance Committee Re: SB 1 Article II appropriations for 2022-2023 From: Every Texan (formerly CPPP), Anne Dunkelberg, Associate Director Every

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I just lost my job. How do I get health insurance?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUtgGuB4UpU Updated August 5th, 2020 — This blog was originally posted on April 22nd, 2020.  Versión en español: Acabo de perder mi trabajo. ¿Cómo consigo un seguro médico? In the

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