Policy Area: Health Care


10 Days Left

With 10 days left in the 84th Legislative session, there are still a handful of major decisions pending. Here is a preview of upcoming action we’re watching and some of

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Down to the Wire

Hundreds of bills have run out of time in the Texas Legislature, but a flurry of amendments and maneuvers mean several policy solutions – and some policy nightmares – still

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Scarlet Letters on Insurance ID Cards

Imagine if your approximate income was printed on your health insurance ID card alongside your copay and deductible amounts. Would you consider it an invasion of privacy if staff at

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Funding for DARS Misses the Mark

Signaling that we are getting closer to the end of the 2015 legislative budget process, both the full Senate and the House have voted out their respective proposals for the

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2016-17 Legislative Budget Snapshot

With just weeks remaining in the regular session of the 84th Legislature, House and Senate conferees are working out the two chambers’ different versions of House Bill 1, the 2016-17

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