Policy Area: Worker Power & Thriving Families


Graduation Season Comes Early

April might seem a little early for a graduation ceremony, but there I was handing out mock diplomas on the steps of the Texas Capitol surrounded by bright-eyed students in

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Let’s Keep College within Reach

As Texans, we’re a fierce and competitive bunch, and in the last few years our state has touted its record on low taxes and economic growth. There’s no doubt that

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Time to Raise the Minimum Wage

As Texans, we pride ourselves on working hard and being self-sufficient. But too few Texans and their families earn enough to escape working poverty. Nearly 2.4 million workers, or 1

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Texas House Budget: The Day After

As the dust settles on the 17-hour HB 1 debate in the Texas House, it’s worth noting what made it into the final House budget proposal, what didn’t, and what

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Fuel for the Legislative Session

Halfway through the Texas Legislative Session, the pace is faster and the stakes are higher. Want to know what helps me ride the proverbial waves at the Capitol? Stepping just

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