Policy Area: Worker Power & Thriving Families


You’re Welcome in Texas

Texans are known for our Southern charm and hospitality. Less well known is the fact that welcoming newcomers and visitors is not just true to our values but good for

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Preparing Texas Millennials for the Future

While we celebrated Labor Day with a family cookout or one last summer trip, let’s remember that this holiday embodies the idea that hard-working Americans make our economy stronger and

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Is Texas Doing it for the Kids?

The new national KIDS COUNT® Data Book from the Annie E. Casey Foundation released today reminds us how challenging it is to be a kid in Texas. Once again, Texas

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New Overtime Protection Coming for Texans

Tomorrow President Obama is expected to announce details of new proposed guidance from the Department of Labor that would extend overtime protections to nearly 5 million workers, including approximately 400,000

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Misguided Priorities

With four days left in the Texas legislative session, I recall my fervent hope back in January – that lawmakers would put aside their differences and focus on what all

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10 Days Left

With 10 days left in the 84th Legislative session, there are still a handful of major decisions pending. Here is a preview of upcoming action we’re watching and some of

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Down to the Wire

Hundreds of bills have run out of time in the Texas Legislature, but a flurry of amendments and maneuvers mean several policy solutions – and some policy nightmares – still

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2016-17 Legislative Budget Snapshot

With just weeks remaining in the regular session of the 84th Legislature, House and Senate conferees are working out the two chambers’ different versions of House Bill 1, the 2016-17

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