Policy Area: Where the Money Goes


Texas House Budget: The Day After

As the dust settles on the 17-hour HB 1 debate in the Texas House, it’s worth noting what made it into the final House budget proposal, what didn’t, and what

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Fuel for the Legislative Session

Halfway through the Texas Legislative Session, the pace is faster and the stakes are higher. Want to know what helps me ride the proverbial waves at the Capitol? Stepping just

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Invest in Public Education, Not Vouchers

Today the Senate Education Committee will hear several school voucher bills. Every voucher program is different and they go by many different names, but the basic idea is the same:

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Budget Heads to the House Floor

House Appropriations approved a revised budget proposal for the next biennium today, and we covered it with live analysis on Twitter. First, the committee increased general revenue spending in the

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A Smart Approach to Closing a Costly Loophole

Senator Rodney Ellis proposed new legislation Tuesday to close a state loophole that allows commercial property owners to skirt their responsibility and significantly reduce their property tax bills below the

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Big Week for Pre-K in the Texas House

Pre-Kindergarten in Texas could get a big boost this legislative session, and it’s encouraging that there are several legislative proposals on the table. The Center for Public Policy Priorities just

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Texas Medicaid Spending in Context

The 84th Legislative Session is now well underway, with committees appointed and holding hearings on budget and other important policy issues. In both House and Senate budget hearings, you may

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