Testimony in Opposition to HB 274 and HJR 86
View this testimony as a PDF. Every Texan stands in strong opposition to HB 274 and HJR 86, which seek to strip the City of Austin — and its nearly
View this testimony as a PDF. Every Texan stands in strong opposition to HB 274 and HJR 86, which seek to strip the City of Austin — and its nearly
View this testimony as a PDF. Chair Kolkhorst, Vice Chair Perry, and esteemed committee members — I appreciate the opportunity to testify today. My name is Amber O’Connor, and I
View this testimony as a PDF. Every Texan is an independent policy research organization that advocates for equity-focused policies to help all Texans reach their full potential. We believe our
Twitter Facebook Linkedin From Amarillo to McAllen, all Texans value our families and our freedom. Yet, most working Texans do not have the financial freedom or the choice to stay
View this testimony as a PDF. Every Texan is an independent public policy organization that uses data and analysis to advocate for solutions that enable Texans of all backgrounds to
Twitter Facebook Linkedin Education is the bedrock of an informed society and the bridge to self-sufficiency. Every parent in Texas, regardless of their race or circumstance, wants their child to
View this testimony as a PDF. When the framers of the Texas Constitution created our biennial Legislature in 1876, they did it in part to prevent the meddling of out-of-state
View this testimony as a PDF. There is little return to show on past border militarization investments. Beginning in 2021, the Governor launched a multi-year campaign called Operation Lone Star
Twitter Facebook Linkedin https://youtu.be/TZmNetvDroE Today, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar released his office’s Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) for the 2026-27 biennium. This estimate tells the Legislature how much tax revenue they
View this testimony as a PDF Our state is spending billions of taxpayer dollars and making it more dangerous and more difficult to be an immigrant in Texas by continuing