Policy Area: Tax Fairness


FAQ: Texas Taxes and Tax Cut Proposals

The House and Senate have different tax cut proposals, generating many questions about what these tax cuts could mean for the future of Texas. Here are some answers to frequently

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Who Pays Taxes in Texas?

Last week’s release of the 2015 Tax Exemption and Tax Incidence report by the Comptroller’s office is great reminder that Texas tax system is in dire need of a little spring-cleaning.

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A Smart Approach to Closing a Costly Loophole

Senator Rodney Ellis proposed new legislation Tuesday to close a state loophole that allows commercial property owners to skirt their responsibility and significantly reduce their property tax bills below the

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Big Week for Texas’ Ability to Invest

This week is a tipping point for the 84th Texas Legislature. Lawmakers will weigh some game-changing bills that would affect our state’s ability to invest in our future. Budget and

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Tax Policy Proposals Recap

This week we’ve looked at a number of tax policy proposals coming out of the Senate, including those that are part of the $4.6 billion tax cut package announced by

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Impacts of Reducing the Franchise Tax

UPDATE: Senator Charles Schwertner (R – Georgetown) filed SB 7 , which calls for a reduction in the franchise tax rate, and SB 8, which increases the amount of revenue exempted

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