Policy Area: State Taxes


A Dangerous Sign for Legislative Transparency

Update, 2/1/2017: The Legislative Budget Board’s GEER staff report is out. Read it here. Today at a Senate Finance Committee Hearing, Legislative Budget Board Director Ursula Parks stated that Lt.

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Tax Day: A Celebration of Service

Today marks Tax Day – the deadline by which most Americans file their personal income tax returns. This year we managed to get three extra days to file our taxes

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Sales Tax Holidays Aren’t Good for Texas

Last week I presented invited testimony to the Senate Finance Committee about sales tax holidays. Sales tax holidays sound good to consumers, especially in the late summer right before school

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Have Property Taxes Gone Up, Really?

Property taxes are the major source of support for local public services – schools, emergency services, roads, parks and libraries. They are also among the most unpopular of all state

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Know Before You Vote: Props 1 and 7

Early voting begins October 19 for the upcoming statewide elections, where Texans will vote on seven proposed constitutional amendments. CPPP encourages all Texans to learn about the implications of these

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Preparing Texas Millennials for the Future

While we celebrated Labor Day with a family cookout or one last summer trip, let’s remember that this holiday embodies the idea that hard-working Americans make our economy stronger and

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The Least-Worst Way to Under-Invest

Tax cuts are the wrong priority – Texans would be better served if lawmakers increased investments in public services. However, as I told members of the House Ways & Means

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Who Pays Taxes in Texas?

Last week’s release of the 2015 Tax Exemption and Tax Incidence report by the Comptroller’s office is great reminder that Texas tax system is in dire need of a little spring-cleaning.

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