Policy Area: Kids Count


Preparing Texas Millennials for the Future

While we celebrated Labor Day with a family cookout or one last summer trip, let’s remember that this holiday embodies the idea that hard-working Americans make our economy stronger and

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Ready for a School Finance Solution

The right to a free public education is enshrined in Texas’ constitution to “promote the general diffusion of knowledge,” which is “essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights

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Is Texas Doing it for the Kids?

The new national KIDS COUNT® Data Book from the Annie E. Casey Foundation released today reminds us how challenging it is to be a kid in Texas. Once again, Texas

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10 Days Left

With 10 days left in the 84th Legislative session, there are still a handful of major decisions pending. Here is a preview of upcoming action we’re watching and some of

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Down to the Wire

Hundreds of bills have run out of time in the Texas Legislature, but a flurry of amendments and maneuvers mean several policy solutions – and some policy nightmares – still

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