Policy Area: Immigrants


Anti-Immigrant Policies Are Bad for Texas

To create a Texas where everyone is healthy, well-educated, and financially secure, CPPP believes our state should provide pathways to opportunity for all immigrants – not put up barriers to

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Immigrants Drive the Texas Economy

Texas has a strong tradition of embracing immigrant culture, and immigrants have played a leading role in our state’s economic success. In the current environment of hostility toward refugees and

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You’re Welcome in Texas

Texans are known for our Southern charm and hospitality. Less well known is the fact that welcoming newcomers and visitors is not just true to our values but good for

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Who Pays Taxes in Texas?

Last week’s release of the 2015 Tax Exemption and Tax Incidence report by the Comptroller’s office is great reminder that Texas tax system is in dire need of a little spring-cleaning.

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