Policy Area: Fair Wages


Honoring Women through Common-Sense Policies

On March 8 we observe International Women’s Day, which “celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievement of women.” Why am I telling you this? First, I have to acknowledge

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Why the Texas Middle Class Is Shrinking

Report shows keys to reducing wage disparities and promoting economic growth Over the past 30 years, the largest share of jobs at the center of the U.S. economy – known

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United Way’s Pathways to Work Initiative

CPPP Director of Economic Opportunity Garrett Groves presented to the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas quarterly funders’ forum. Garrett provided a community profile of the Dallas-Fort Worth region on changing

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Time to Raise the Minimum Wage

As Texans, we pride ourselves on working hard and being self-sufficient. But too few Texans and their families earn enough to escape working poverty. Nearly 2.4 million workers, or 1

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