Policy Area: Equity and Inequality


On the Road Again

One of the things I love about my job is the chance to travel around the state and meet Texans committed to helping other Texans reach their full potential. Last

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Talking about Race and Equity in Austin

“There isn’t a silver bullet to fix everything. The state alone can’t fix it. The community alone can’t fix it. But, if they come together and each takes their part,

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Texans at Risk of Poverty

Texas remains a tough place for many children and their families. Although the poverty rate in Texas and nationwide slightly decreased, Texas ranks 38th in the country for its high

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You’re Welcome in Texas

Texans are known for our Southern charm and hospitality. Less well known is the fact that welcoming newcomers and visitors is not just true to our values but good for

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Beautiful, messy ole’ democracy

Winston Churchill once quipped that “democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.” Like many Americans, I celebrated the Fourth of July this

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Let’s Keep College within Reach

As Texans, we’re a fierce and competitive bunch, and in the last few years our state has touted its record on low taxes and economic growth. There’s no doubt that

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Time to Raise the Minimum Wage

As Texans, we pride ourselves on working hard and being self-sufficient. But too few Texans and their families earn enough to escape working poverty. Nearly 2.4 million workers, or 1

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