Policy Area: Education


Promising Advancements for Bilingual Education

Texas is home to over 1 million emergent bilingual students that represent 70 different home languages. That’s 20% of all students in Texas public schools. This legislative session, several positive

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Testimony Opposing SB 1091

Every Texan and Texas PACE* oppose Senate Bill 1091. This bill seeks to drastically limit the Top Ten Percent program, which is a critical driver of equity in college access

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Testimony Opposing SB 28

Every Texan opposes SB 28. Texas voters already have too little oversight over of the placement and expansion of charter schools. This bill limits the role the elected SBOE has

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Texas PACE Supports HB 2126

Texas PACE consists of organizations committed to equity in college affordability, access, student supports and completion. We support increased access to necessary health and wellness resources for students to pursue

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Texas PACE Supports Senate Bill 1019

Texas PACE — a coalition led by Every Texan and Young Invincibles — supports Senate Bill 1019 relating to disaggregated higher education data. Texas student debt is in crisis, and

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Testimony Supporting SB 165

Every Texan supports SB 165, a bill that prevents students from being penalized for dropping additional courses during a disaster, because it provides Texas students the necessary flexibility to respond

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Comments on the Texas Education Agency

As the spread of COVID-19 became a global pandemic, disrupting every facet of our daily lives, Texas schools pivoted without warning or additional funding to continue the promise of public

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