Policy Area: Education


Down to the Wire

Hundreds of bills have run out of time in the Texas Legislature, but a flurry of amendments and maneuvers mean several policy solutions – and some policy nightmares – still

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Pre-K Gets Low Score, HB 4 Won’t Change That

The annually released rankings of state-supported Pre-K programs by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) once again show that Texas ranks last in quality standards measures compared to

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New Research Makes the Case for Pre-K

By CPPP Communications Intern Arthur D. Soto-Vásquez Newly released research from the Child and Family Research Partnership (CFRP) at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT Austin demonstrates the

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2016-17 Legislative Budget Snapshot

With just weeks remaining in the regular session of the 84th Legislature, House and Senate conferees are working out the two chambers’ different versions of House Bill 1, the 2016-17

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Graduation Season Comes Early

April might seem a little early for a graduation ceremony, but there I was handing out mock diplomas on the steps of the Texas Capitol surrounded by bright-eyed students in

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Let’s Keep College within Reach

As Texans, we’re a fierce and competitive bunch, and in the last few years our state has touted its record on low taxes and economic growth. There’s no doubt that

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House Swings and Misses on School Finance

Earlier this week the House Committee on Public Education heard HB 1759, a proposal by Chairman Jimmie Don Aycock that would make sweeping changes to the school finance system. This bill

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HB 1759 to Address School Finance

The Texas House is making a serious effort to address school finance this session, adding $3 billion through the budget passed last week. House Public Education Committee Chair Jimmie Don

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