Policy Area: Education


Ready for a School Finance Solution

The right to a free public education is enshrined in Texas’ constitution to “promote the general diffusion of knowledge,” which is “essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights

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Back to School, Back to Court

Like many Texas parents, I’ve got that end-of-summer-vacation buzz – I’m ready for those school bells to ring! As kids head back to school and parents breathe a sigh of

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Is Texas Doing it for the Kids?

The new national KIDS COUNT® Data Book from the Annie E. Casey Foundation released today reminds us how challenging it is to be a kid in Texas. Once again, Texas

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New Overtime Protection Coming for Texans

Tomorrow President Obama is expected to announce details of new proposed guidance from the Department of Labor that would extend overtime protections to nearly 5 million workers, including approximately 400,000

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The Path to Pre-K in 2015

Today Gov. Abbott will sign HB 4, the much lauded Pre-K bill that topped the governor’s list of emergency items. HB 4 is designed to improve Pre-K quality through an

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Misguided Priorities

With four days left in the Texas legislative session, I recall my fervent hope back in January – that lawmakers would put aside their differences and focus on what all

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10 Days Left

With 10 days left in the 84th Legislative session, there are still a handful of major decisions pending. Here is a preview of upcoming action we’re watching and some of

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