You can print out a copy of this post as a 2-pager here. Delivering on their promise to address the minimally constitutional school finance system this session, the House Public
Recently the Texas Education Commissioner changed the interpretation of a long-standing statue in order to give $100 million to wealthy homeowners in wealthy school districts. KEY TAKEAWAYS: *It’s understandable that
As Texas Senate and House committee hearings pick up, it’s worth checking in on early childhood education, specifically Pre-K. Helping kids start school ready to learn is one of the
Connecting Students with Jobs: CPPP Supports State Higher Education Agency’s Recommendation to Implement Off-Campus Work-Study Pilot Program The Texas economy depends on a skilled workforce—and off-campus work-study positions are a
On January 24, the Texas Senate Finance Committee will hear invited and public testimony on its 2018 and 2019 budget proposals for the Texas Education Agency, Teacher Retirement System, and
Here’s what we know so far Today, the Senate and House released starting-point budgets for education, health care, and other state-funded services in 2018 and 2019. Each legislative chamber will
On Monday, January 9, State Comptroller Glenn Hegar will issue the revenue estimate for 2018-19, as well as update legislators on 2016-17 state revenue collections. This key stage in the
Children’s Savings Accounts (CSAs) for College offer a promising strategy to get more Texas students to college and help students and parents build financial skills. CPPP and RAISE Texas have