Policy Area: Budget and Taxes

HB 59 Testimony — Ways and Means

The House Ways & Means Committee will soon hear a very dangerous proposal – HB 59 by Rep. Andrew Murr – which would almost completely eliminate the school property tax that is

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SB1: Department of Public Safety 2022-2023

Texas faces long-standing challenges to optimal health, including the nation’s highest uninsured rates, and steep financial and systemic barriers for those who have insurance. Our organizations work to improve public

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Who Does NOT Pay Texas Taxes?

A fair and adequate tax system would allow the state to invest in the building blocks of thriving communities — schools, health care, public safety, roads, and other public services.

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Who Pays Texas Taxes?

Download this report as a PDF For the state to invest in the building blocks of thriving communities — schools, health care, public safety, roads, parks, and other public services

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