Policy Area: Budget and Taxes


FAQ: Texas Taxes and Tax Cut Proposals

The House and Senate have different tax cut proposals, generating many questions about what these tax cuts could mean for the future of Texas. Here are some answers to frequently

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Funding for DARS Misses the Mark

Signaling that we are getting closer to the end of the 2015 legislative budget process, both the full Senate and the House have voted out their respective proposals for the

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2016-17 Legislative Budget Snapshot

With just weeks remaining in the regular session of the 84th Legislature, House and Senate conferees are working out the two chambers’ different versions of House Bill 1, the 2016-17

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House Swings and Misses on School Finance

Earlier this week the House Committee on Public Education heard HB 1759, a proposal by Chairman Jimmie Don Aycock that would make sweeping changes to the school finance system. This bill

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HB 1759 to Address School Finance

The Texas House is making a serious effort to address school finance this session, adding $3 billion through the budget passed last week. House Public Education Committee Chair Jimmie Don

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