Policy Area: Budget and Taxes


Know Before You Vote: Props 1 and 7

Early voting begins October 19 for the upcoming statewide elections, where Texans will vote on seven proposed constitutional amendments. CPPP encourages all Texans to learn about the implications of these

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You’re Welcome in Texas

Texans are known for our Southern charm and hospitality. Less well known is the fact that welcoming newcomers and visitors is not just true to our values but good for

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Preparing Texas Millennials for the Future

While we celebrated Labor Day with a family cookout or one last summer trip, let’s remember that this holiday embodies the idea that hard-working Americans make our economy stronger and

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Ready for a School Finance Solution

The right to a free public education is enshrined in Texas’ constitution to “promote the general diffusion of knowledge,” which is “essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights

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Texas’ Uninsured Rate Worst in the Nation

They say everything’s bigger in Texas, and Texas now has the biggest percentage of uninsured residents in the country—sitting just above 20 percent. Only Oklahoma (17.7 percent) and Wyoming (18.2

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Back to School, Back to Court

Like many Texas parents, I’ve got that end-of-summer-vacation buzz – I’m ready for those school bells to ring! As kids head back to school and parents breathe a sigh of

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