Strategic Plan

Our Mission
Every Texan strengthens public policy to expand opportunity and equity for Texans of all backgrounds.
Theory of Change
Every Texan is part of an ecosystem of advocacy organizations across Texas with a shared vision of a state where every Texan can thrive. We collaborate with our partners to build power and leadership alongside communities of color and people with low incomes. Regardless of race, gender, background, or what zip code is home, we believe all Texans have the power of voice and action to improve our daily lives and conditions.
Every Texan uses three pillars of activities and action to achieve identified outcomes and impact.
We practice community-driven decision-making, and we work actively to shift power from the powerful few to everyday Texans of all backgrounds. Our advocacy centers on the perspectives of people who are most affected and we prioritize the leadership of Black- and Brown-led organizations. We identify policy priorities in direct collaboration with the community, and through coalitions and partners with member bases. To strengthen public policy and achieve the most equitable policy outcomes, we listen and we ensure the communities, coalitions, and campaigns we engage with are well-resourced and organized. We leverage our expertise and resources to support effectiveness and success.
& Data
We provide expert qualitative and quantitative research analysis and accessible data visualization to strengthen policies and campaign communications. We connect the community members, coalitions, and campaigns we work with to our analysis and expertise.
Every Texan experts provide reliable, timely, credible, and accessible data for all of our issue areas. We humanize our policy research and apply a racial and socioeconomic lens to shape solutions and narratives.
Legislative Advocacy &
Every Texan delivers the communication and legislative tools, resources, strategy, and information our partners need to enhance their advocacy capacity. We listen to understand what our partners need. We educate the public and policymakers on the potential outcomes and impact of proposed legislation to support choices that benefit all Texans, regardless of race, class, gender, or any other factor.
Goals by Strategic Direction
We collaborate with organizations, leaders, and everyday Texans to advocate for equitable public policy together.

Develop shared agendas for research and advocacy across coalitions, informed by Texans disproportionately affected by inequities

Exchange knowledge to better understand current conditions and the potential for public policy

Serve as a national model for a nonprofit that puts its values into practice, including unionization and advancing equity
We produce research and public policy recommendations to improve the lives of all Texans.

Increase understanding of current conditions and the potential for public policy to affect them

Equip organizations, leaders, and everyday Texans with the information necessary to access resources and advocate for equitable public policy
We influence policymakers to pass and defend equitable public policy.

Elevate the urgency and significance of advancing racial equity

Strengthen the capacity of policymakers to advance racial equity through public policy
We ensure the health and sustainability of our organization.

Cultivate a committed team with deep policy, equity, and community engagement expertise

Cultivate a committed and engaged board

Strengthen financial sustainability, including through partnerships with donors and funders whose values align with Every Texan’s
Strategic Outcomes
Every Texan focuses on our shared humanity, calls out intentional division, and works to dismantle systemic inequity. We urge all Texans to unite in our shared values and join together to demand that our government and economy work for all of us, not just the powerful and wealthy few. We reject attempts to divide and conquer; we choose abundance over scarcity.
Short-Term Outcomes

Every Texan board and staff are aware of the historic and systemic barriers to achieving racial equity through public policy in Texas, and understand that public policy advancing racial equity improves life outcomes for all Texans.

Every Texan board and staff are aware of impact of current federal, state, and local policies on communities of color and people with low incomes in Texas.

Every Texan board and staff are aware of race-conscious, systems-focused communication strategies to advance racial equity in public policy.

Organizations, leaders, and everyday Texans are aware of the resources and research Every Texan produces

Policymakers are aware of the significance of public policy to advancing racial equity to improve life outcomes for all Texans.

Policymakers are aware of how to advance racial equity in public policy.
Intermediate Outcomes

Every Texan is a trusted source of information for organizations, leaders, and everyday Texans advocating for public policy and racial equity in Texas.

Growing coalitions of organizations, leaders, and everyday Texans advocate for equitable public policy with a shared agenda.

Every Texan, alongside collaborating organizations, leaders, and everyday Texans, effectively communicate about the impact of public policy on communities of color and people with low incomes.

Elected officials—at the local, state, and federal level—increasingly create, advocate for, and pass race-conscious, equitable policies.
Long-Term Outcomes

Public institutions are accountable to all Texans, including communities of color and people with low incomes.

Texans trust that public institutions are responsive to their needs.

Race no longer predicts or determines the life outcomes of Texans.

Texans are healthy, educated, and positioned to socially and economically thrive.
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