Jobs & Financial Security

Living Wages

Median income is 39% less for Black households than White households in Texas.

The availability of jobs that pay a middle wage in Texas has declined significantly since 1979, and the share of low-wage jobs in Texas has grown at twice the rate of high-wage jobs. Hard working Texas deserve higher wages. As the cost of living continues to rise, many Texas struggle to make ends meet despite working full-time jobs.

In Texas, only 50 percent of full-time, full-year private sector workers age 18-64 are covered by a workplace retirement savings plan.

Equity in Focus

Median income in Texas for Hispanic households is 35 percent less than White households and 39 percent less for Black households.

It is estimated that 37 percent of Hispanics Texans have access to workplace retirement plans compared to 59 percent of White Texans.


Texas is one of 21 states which have neglected to take action to protect its working citizens from substandard federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. At this wage an employee working 40 hours a week 52 weeks per year would make $15,080. This puts a household of one just barely over the federal poverty threshold of $12,760. In addition to failing to raise the minimum wage statewide, lawmakers in Texas have also passed laws preventing local jurisdictions from raising the minimum wage in their community. 

In  addition to reducing inequality, increasing the minimum wage is also directly tied to improving public health outcomes. Research has found that raising the minimum wage decreases low birth rates and post-neo-natal mortality. Research has also found that even just a $1 increase in the minimum wage would reduce reported cases of child neglect by close to 10%. Increasing the minimum wages is good for families as it means parents have to work less and can spend more time with their children.

Our Staff

Amanda Posson

Senior Policy Analyst

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