Kimberly Clarida, Senior Policy Analyst

Kimberly Clarida works with the economic opportunity team as our higher education policy analyst focused on improving higher education access, increasing higher education affordability, decreasing student debt, and expanding student supports. She previously interned with Every Texan as a member of the research and data team, and now uses her research, data, and planning skills to examine how policies impact access, affordability, and opportunity for all students in Texas – especially marginalized students. Kimberly received her Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her Master of Education in Educational Administration and Policy from the University of Georgia. More recently, she earned her Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Planning from UT Austin.

Kimberly's Recent Work

A Better FAFSA: It’s About Time!

All students – regardless of race, class, or gender – deserve affordable post-secondary education. Access to financial aid makes it possible for many students to attain post-secondary education and pursue

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A Signed HB 8, but What’s in It?

Community colleges and public two-year colleges are vital higher educational institutions; they provide students with the courses they need to achieve workforce certification, associate degrees, introductory courses before transferring to

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