Amanda Posson, Senior Policy Analyst

Amanda serves Every Texan’s mission by working in partnership with unions, worker centers, and coalitions to raise Texas’ labor standards and achieve a fair economy. Amanda joined Every Texan in 2018 as the organization’s senior manager for strategic growth, where she spearheaded new giving programs and encouraged pro-public investment policies for a more equitable Texas. Prior to joining Every Texan, Amanda served as the Vice President of Programs at Refugee Services of Texas, where she worked for 10 years developing services and advocating for policies that help refugee and immigrant families transition into Texas’ economy and local communities. Amanda received a Master of Arts in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas, where she researched Mexican migrant women’s use of remittances to mitigate economic injustices in their hometowns. Amanda has called Texas home since 2007 and raises two children with her husband in Austin. Amanda is a proud active member of Every Texan United.

Policy areas: Paid Leave, Minimum Wage, Public Sector Workforce, Worker Power, Labor

Where to find me during session: In my office (4N plugged into the wall)

My surprising hobby: Fishing

Amanda's Recent Work