We use high-quality data collected from credible sources, analyzed by our team of experts. We explore data for potential solutions to everyday problems — and we make that data accessible to everyone, from policymakers to concerned Texans. Our goal is to help you visualize and quantify the effects that current policies have and why we need to improve them.
Working With Cities: Our team has experience working with municipalities on data and equity projects, including the City of Dallas’s Equity Indicators, which are designed to measure equity, or the fairness and justice in outcomes for and treatment of groups of people, across five thematic areas. Read the report here.
Working With Partners: Our team provided data and research support for the Texas Women’s Foundation’s Economic Issues for Women in Texas 2024 report. The report highlights data across four areas (child care, housing, education and health insurance).
Tracking Child Well-Being: Our team produces annual report on the status of Texas’s children, with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and local partners, including Methodist Healthcare Ministries. You can find our Texas Kids Count Dashboard here.
Making Data Accessible: The Research and Data produces timely and relevant data briefs, disaggregating and analyzing data for partners, community members, and policymakers to access and use for their work. Some of the data briefs utilize data from U.S. Census surveys such as the American Community Survey and provide insights about Hispanic/Latinos in Texas, Indigenous People of Texas, and more.