Policy Area: State Taxes


First Look: 2026-27 Budget Bills

Twitter Facebook Linkedin This week, the Texas House and Senate laid out their initial funding proposals for the 2026-27 biennium in budget bills HB 1 and SB 1. These bills

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Catch Up Quick: 2026-27 Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE)

Twitter Facebook Linkedin https://youtu.be/TZmNetvDroE Today, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar released his office’s Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) for the 2026-27 biennium. This estimate tells the Legislature how much tax revenue they

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A Look at the 2024-2025 Texas Budget

The budget is the only bill the Legislature must pass each session. Every two years, the Legislature is tasked with making important decisions on allocating our tax dollars to the

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