Policy Area: K-12 Public Education

Joint Testimony Opposing SB 3 & HB 28 with TLEEC

The Texas Legislative Education Equity Coalition (TLEEC) and Every Texan oppose SB 3, HB 28, and similar bills that censor classroom curriculum and conversations on important topics, including race, racism, sexism,

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Promising Advancements for Bilingual Education

Texas is home to over 1 million emergent bilingual students that represent 70 different home languages. That’s 20% of all students in Texas public schools. This legislative session, several positive

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Testimony Opposing SB 28

Every Texan opposes SB 28. Texas voters already have too little oversight over of the placement and expansion of charter schools. This bill limits the role the elected SBOE has

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Comments on the Texas Education Agency

As the spread of COVID-19 became a global pandemic, disrupting every facet of our daily lives, Texas schools pivoted without warning or additional funding to continue the promise of public

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Keeping Schools Whole Through Crisis

Texas Schools at Risk of Significant Funding Cuts due to Pandemic-Related Attendance Loss As the spread of COVID-19 became a global pandemic, disrupting every facet of our daily lives, Texas

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quality ed

A New Division in School Finance

High-Taxing vs Low-Taxing School Districts Download this report as a PDF In 2019, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 3 (HB 3) — an $11.6 billion school finance reform law

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