2013 Lege–SNAP and WIC
By Jeanie Donovan More than 3.5 million Texans, including nearly 2 million children, rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to ensure that they don’t go to bed hungry
By Jeanie Donovan More than 3.5 million Texans, including nearly 2 million children, rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to ensure that they don’t go to bed hungry
Last school year Texas’ school cafeterias served an astonishing 300 million breakfasts. But remarkably, that only covered 60 percent of the students who received free or reduced price lunches during
The fiscal cliff left policy junkies across the country on the edge of their chairs though the New Year. Yet while we wonks all speculated about the destiny of the
By Jeanie Donovan The 2008 Farm Bill expired on September 30, 2012, after the House and the Senate were unable to reach agreement on new legislation. Since then, Congress’ focus
By Jeanie Donovan Going through the cafeteria line this year, Texas kids will notice some major changes to the foods on their school lunch tray. Thanks to the new USDA
By Jonathan Lewis You may have heard murmurs of a recent report released by the USDA. This report addresses what is called “food security.” If you’re not familiar with the