Policy Area: Food Assistance Programs


SNAP Under Attack On Multiple Fronts

By Jeanie Donovan Federal lawmakers have been debating the reauthorization of the Farm Bill for more than two years now. The SNAP program, formerly known as food stamps, has been

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Back to School (Meals)

By Jeanie Donovan For many of the five million school children in Texas, returning to the classroom this week means more than just a new teacher and a new grade.

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2013 Lege Wrap-Up: SNAP

By Jeanie Donovan During the 2013 legislative session, legislators filed 26 bills related to SNAP (formerly the food stamp program). Although SNAP is 100 percent federally funded, state lawmakers do

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Farm Bill Update from the Food Team

By Jeanie Donovan The US Senate and House Agriculture Committees approved separate versions of a new five-year farm bill and both pieces of legislation include damaging cuts to SNAP (formerly

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