Community Eligibility Means More Kids Eat Free
By Caitlin Shea, Research and KIDS COUNT Intern More kids are eating for free and without stigma thanks to a federal school meal option called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP),
By Caitlin Shea, Research and KIDS COUNT Intern More kids are eating for free and without stigma thanks to a federal school meal option called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP),
Hundreds of bills have run out of time in the Texas Legislature, but a flurry of amendments and maneuvers mean several policy solutions – and some policy nightmares – still
With the legislative clock ticking, there has been plenty of talk about the major investments lawmakers could make to improve life in Texas. But there are also a host of
Today the House Human Services Committee will hear several bills that would require Lone Star EBT (electronic benefit transfer) cards, used by Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Aid
In the last few months state legislatures across the country have introduced bills designed to force people in greatest need to prove they are “worthy” of receiving support. Sadly, Texas
Superheroes are known for their special powers. As a young girl growing up in Dallas, I was dazzled by Wonder Woman as she wielded her bracelets and Lasso of Truth
New data from the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) show that our state’s growing economy is not providing sufficient economic opportunity for all Texans. CFED’s annual Assets & Opportunity Scorecard
Nearly 3,500 high-poverty Texas schools now have an opportunity to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students without having to collect cumbersome school meal applications thanks to a new
By Jeanie Donovan Nearly 3,500 high poverty Texas schools now have an opportunity to provide free meals–breakfast and lunch–to all students without having to collect school meal applications through a