Policy Area: Economic Opportunity


State of Working Texans 2024

State of Working Texans 2024 Texas Is Powered by Working Families In Texas, there is more that unites us than divides us. Every Texan, regardless of background, appearance, or location,

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Texas Is the Tale of Two Economies

Texas Is the Tale of Two Economies Working Texas Families Are Worth Our Fair Share of Economic Abundance While our state’s economy thrives across various production metrics, the benefits are

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Testimony Opposing SB 1091

Every Texan and Texas PACE* oppose Senate Bill 1091. This bill seeks to drastically limit the Top Ten Percent program, which is a critical driver of equity in college access

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Texas PACE Supports Senate Bill 1019

Texas PACE — a coalition led by Every Texan and Young Invincibles — supports Senate Bill 1019 relating to disaggregated higher education data. Texas student debt is in crisis, and

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