Policy Area: Budget and Taxes


Sizing Up The Texas Budget–Family Planning

Devastating budget cuts to family planning in 2011 caused widespread collateral damage, leaving 147,000 Texas women without services and the women’s health safety net in tatters. This session, the Legislature

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Sizing Up The Texas Budget: Overview

As the third called legislative session begins, legislators are still finalizing the highway funding part of the Texas state budget for 2014 and 2015–the two-year budget period that begins September

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In Farm Bill Debate, No Clear Path for SNAP

That’s the big question these days for anyone interested in food and nutrition policy.  The simple response is “which Farm Bill?” Since the 1970’s federal farm and nutrition policy has

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2013 Lege Wrap-Up: Public Education

As predicted, this session’s debates around school choice were used as a distraction from discussing real solutions to the state’s education challenges. Fortunately, all the different voucher proposals, which would

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