OPED–Working Toward A Stronger Mental Health System

“As the nation mourns for the lives lost and traumatized by the tragedies in Newtown, Conn., Aurora, Colo., Tucson, Ariz., and College Station, people are talking about the importance of mental health services. We shouldn’t stigmatize people with mental illness, who are in fact more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators. Nonetheless, we would all benefit from a stronger mental health system. On Thursday, February 28, mental health advocates are rallying on the south steps of the Capitol at noon to promote a stronger system. So what would that look like?
About one in four Texans suffers from mental illness, ranging from mild to severe and temporary to chronic. Chemical dependency is a separate problem, though some people suffer from both mental illness and substance abuse.”
You can read Katharine’s complete Austin American-Statesman oped here.
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